Our Services

Expert Guidance, Exceptional Support

Partner with The Nourish Consultancy and make your workplace a beacon of support for breastfeeding parents. Together, we can create an environment where everyone thrives.

Online/In-Person Consultation

Tailored advice and strategies to implement breastfeeding-friendly policies.

Written Breastfeeding Policy and Guidelines

Customised documents to support your workplace.

Breastfeeding Support Checklist

Comprehensive checklist to ensure all aspects of support are covered.

Breastfeeding Training for Staff Members

Educating employees on how to support breastfeeding colleagues.

Facilities Planning and Design

Designing and planning breastfeeding-friendly spaces in the workplace.

Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplace Award

Recognition for businesses that meet our criteria.

Complimentary Press Release

Announcing your business as a breastfeeding-friendly workplace to enhance your public image.

What We Offer

Expert guidance, exceptional support

Partner with Nourish and make your workplace a beacon of support for breastfeeding parents. Together, we can create an environment where everyone thrives.


Personalised online or in-person consultations to assess and improve your workplace’s breastfeeding support.

Policy Development

Crafting written breastfeeding policies and guidelines tailored to your business.


Educating staff on how to support breastfeeding colleagues.

Facilities Planning and Design

Designing and planning breastfeeding-friendly spaces in the workplace.


Awarding breastfeeding-friendly workplaces and providing complimentary press releases to announce your achievements.

Empower Your Workplace Today!

Discover how Nourish can transform your business into a breastfeeding-friendly environment. Schedule a consultation now!

Why Choose Us?

We're Your Partner in Creating a Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplace that Thrives

With our unique expertise and dedication, Nourish is positioned to help your business become a leader in supporting breastfeeding employees. Join us in creating a workplace culture that values and supports breastfeeding mothers.

For more information or to get started, please contact us today!