Welcome to Nourish

At Nourish, we specialise in helping businesses create breastfeeding-friendly workplaces. Our services aim to support both employers and breastfeeding parents, ensuring a smooth and supportive transition back to work.

Interested in Transforming Your Workplace? Fill out the form below, and we’ll contact you asap!

Our Services

Expert Guidance, Exceptional Support

Partner with The Nourish Consultancy and make your workplace a beacon of support for breastfeeding parents. Together, we can create an environment where everyone thrives.

Online/In-Person Consultation

Tailored advice and strategies to implement breastfeeding-friendly policies.

Written Breastfeeding Policy and Guidelines

Customised documents to support your workplace.

Breastfeeding Support Checklist

Comprehensive checklist to ensure all aspects of support are covered.

Breastfeeding Training for Staff Members

Educating employees on how to support breastfeeding colleagues.

Facilities Planning and Design

Designing and planning breastfeeding-friendly spaces in the workplace.

Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplace Award

Recognition for businesses that meet our criteria.

Complimentary Press Release

Announcing your business as a breastfeeding-friendly workplace to enhance your public image.

Our Mission

Creating Balanced and Inclusive Workplaces

Our mission is to create workplace environments where breastfeeding mothers feel supported and valued, enabling them to balance their professional and personal lives seamlessly. We aim to make every workplace a space where breastfeeding is respected and facilitated.

Our Values

Our Commitment to Excellence and Support

Empowering both employers and breastfeeding employees through education and support.

Ensuring all workplaces are inclusive and supportive of breastfeeding mothers.

Providing expert guidance and tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each business.


Empower Your Workplace Today!

Discover how Nourish can transform your business into a breastfeeding-friendly environment. Schedule a consultation now!

Why Choose Us?

We're Your Partner in Creating a Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplace that Thrives

With our unique expertise and dedication, Nourish is positioned to help your business become a leader in supporting breastfeeding employees. Join us in creating a workplace culture that values and supports breastfeeding mothers.

For more information or to get started, please contact us today!

Benefits for Employers

At Nourish, we believe that creating a breastfeeding-friendly workplace is not only a compassionate choice but also a strategic advantage. By fostering an environment where breastfeeding mothers feel supported and valued, employers can unlock a host of benefits that enhance both employee well-being and organisational success. From increased retention and productivity to improved workplace culture and reduced healthcare costs, the advantages of supporting breastfeeding employees are substantial and far-reaching. Join us in championing a more inclusive and thriving workplace.

300% ROI

Employers that provide lactation support can see a return on investment of 3:1 due to reduced healthcare claims, lower absenteeism, and decreased turnover rates​ (CDC)​.

Increased Employee Retention

Supportive policies help retain skilled employees.

Reduced Absenteeism

Breastfeeding employees are less likely to take time off due to infant illnesses.

Enhanced Employee Morale and Loyalty

A supportive environment boosts overall job satisfaction.


Improved Public Image

Demonstrates commitment to family-friendly policies and employee well-being.

Legal Compliance

Meets workplace laws and regulations regarding breastfeeding.


Benefits for

Breastfeeding Parents

Reduced Stress

Knowing their employer supports breastfeeding reduces anxiety.

Work-Life Balance

A supportive environment helps balance work and breastfeeding responsibilities.

Community and Support

Feeling valued and supported by their employer.

Improved Health

Continued breastfeeding benefits both mother and baby’s health.

Increased Productivity

Less worry about breastfeeding issues leads to better focus at work.

Support, Thrive, and Succeed!

Ready to enhance your workplace culture and employee well-being? Book your consultation with us today!