Our Story

Welcome to Nourish! Founded by Ruth Maguire, a renowned breastfeeding expert and the creator of the popular online breastfeeding magazine boobingit.com, we are dedicated to helping businesses create supportive, breastfeeding-friendly workplaces.

Ruth Maguire brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in breastfeeding support, having dedicated her career to empowering and assisting mothers on their breastfeeding journeys. Her work with boobingit.com has provided a platform for sharing expert advice, personal stories, and valuable resources, making her a trusted voice in the breastfeeding community.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create workplace environments where breastfeeding mothers feel supported and valued, enabling them to balance their professional and personal lives seamlessly. We aim to make every workplace a space where breastfeeding is respected and facilitated.

Our Values


Empowering both employers and breastfeeding employees through education and support.


Ensuring all workplaces are inclusive and supportive of breastfeeding mothers.


Providing expert guidance and tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each business.

Empower Your Workplace Today!

Discover how Nourish can transform your business into a breastfeeding-friendly environment. Schedule a consultation now!

What We Offer

Expert guidance, exceptional support

Partner with Nourish and make your workplace a beacon of support for breastfeeding parents. Together, we can create an environment where everyone thrives.


Personalised online or in-person consultations to assess and improve your workplace’s breastfeeding support.

Policy Development

Crafting written breastfeeding policies and guidelines tailored to your business.


Educating staff on how to support breastfeeding colleagues.

Facilities Planning and Design

Designing and planning breastfeeding-friendly spaces in the workplace.


Awarding breastfeeding-friendly workplaces and providing complimentary press releases to announce your achievements.

Meet Ruth

Founder, Entrepreneur, Breastfeeding Supporter

Ruth Maguire is a passionate advocate for breastfeeding support, with a background in helping mothers navigate their breastfeeding journeys. Her work with Boobingit.com has made her a prominent figure in the breastfeeding community, offering a wealth of knowledge and resources to new mothers.

Why Choose Us?

We're Your Partner in Creating a Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplace that Thrives

With our unique expertise and dedication, Nourish is positioned to help your business become a leader in supporting breastfeeding employees. Join us in creating a workplace culture that values and supports breastfeeding mothers.

For more information or to get started, please contact us today!